Configuration file

The configuration file defines most of the settings of your component. If contains the name, used locale entries, declaration form and condition operators.

In general, your config.yml will look like this:

vendor: vendor_name
name: component_name
category: text
documentation: https://link-to-your-docs
        component_image: img/component-image.svg
        title: rf_field_title
        error_too_long: error_too_long_title
        fields: []
        fields: []
props: []
        empty: is empty
        nempty: is not empty

Required values

The vendor name and component name should be names according to the conventional definition within Reef. The category can be one of the builder categories, e.g. text, choice, static or other. These three values (vendor, name, category) are always required. The component_image defines the path to the image file of this component, used in the builder. When the component is to be used in the builder, this value is also required.

Optional values

Locale and definition

The basic/advanced variants define whether to place the specific item in the basic tab or advanced tab in the builder. The basicLocale and advancedLocale contain key: value pairs where:

  • value is the locale name of the title of the text input in the builder, i.e. the text presented to the form maker. These are typically also present in a locale .yml file, either the component locale or the general reef locale.
  • key is the locale name of the locale value, i.e. the text filled in by the form maker and presented to the form submitter

Additionally, internalLocale is an array of locale keys in the form key: (empty), where each key is a value present in the the component or reef locale files.

The definition arrays contain a (possibly empty) list of field declarations. These declarations define the custom configuration values for the component, e.g. a default value, placeholder, max input length, et cetera. The name, required and visible fields are automatically added by Reef, depending on the PHP implementations.

You may also have a props entry, which may hold a value that should not be presented in the builder. It is for example used in the text_line component to define a regexp value. Each entry in props is a hash with both a name and a default value.

Operators and props

There is also the builder_operators entry, defining which condition operators are supported. It holds an array of key: value pairs where:

  • key is the name of the operator, which is used to translate the operator name in the locale file (where operator_{operator name} is used)
  • value is the operator as used in conditions. This should be an english name, just as in most programming languages