The field class

Field are instances of components, in the sense that a field is a component assigned to a form. The form and component objects can be fetched using getForm() and getComponent().

Field member functions

The field class should extend the abstract class \Reef\Components\Field.

Fields have the possibility to use a number of different methods:


The __construct() function is not used by the Field base class, and hence can without limitations be used by the component itself for initialization purposes.


The function getDeclaration returns the declaration of the field, as an array.


The checkSetup() function can be used to check the component configuration. It is called by the checkSetup() function in the Reef setup class, which is called as soon as a Reef object is created. In this method you can check whether any dependencies are present that should be present, and whether there are any incompatibilities.


The validateDeclaration() function is performed whenever a field declaration (possibly belonging to a form definition) is validated. You can override it to perform any custom checks, but be sure you also include the result of this method in your child class implementation. This method is equivalent to Component::validateDeclaration, with the added possibility of using the form context of the field.


The getFlatStructure() function should return an array of columns to be used in the database table for this field. We distinguish three cases:

  1. If the field requires multiple columns in the database table, the result of this array should be an associative array with the column name as key and the column specification as value.
  2. Otherwise, if the field requires only one column in the table, you may use either an associative array as above, or a numeric array with one entry having key 0 (zero), with as value again a column specification.
  3. If the field requires no storage, you may return an empty array [].

Note that this function is abstract in Field, hence it should always be implemented. A column specification is an array defining what type of table column to create for the field. It can consist of the following entries:

  • type: Either \Reef\Storage\Storage::TYPE_INTEGER, ::TYPE_TEXT, ::TYPE_BOOLEAN or ::TYPE_FLOAT.
  • min: For ::TYPE_INTEGER, the minimum possible value to be stored
  • max: For ::TYPE_INTEGER, the maximum possible value to be stored
  • limit: For ::TYPE_TEXT, the maximum number of characters to be stored (note: characters, not bytes!)

Schema update functions

The needsSchemaUpdate() function is called before performing a form update (when editing a stored form). By default it returns false, but you may perform custom checks to return true whenever you need the schema update functions (beforeSchemaUpdate, afterSchemaUpdate) to be called. Note that by default, these functions are also always called whenever the flat structure or field name changes with the update. Hence, you only need to implement this method if you have some custom logic going on within your columns.

The functions beforeSchemaUpdate, beforeDelete and afterSchemaUpdate are called within the form update process on the moments the names suggest. They are passed a data array with useful variables, for specifics refer to their docblocks.


The updateDataLoss() function can be used to indicate whether a field update will lead to data loss. It is checked before updating a form; if there is (possible) dataloss the user is first asked whether he/she wants to proceed. This method is always called on the new field, and receives the old field instance as first argument. It should return either \Reef\Updater::DATALOSS_NO if there is a guarantee there is no dataloss, ::DATALOSS_DEFINITE if there is a guarantee there will be dataloss, or ::DATALOSS__POTENTIAL otherwise.


This function should return an array with the same keys as getFlatStructure, but with values containing the title of the fields that can be used in an overview table or CSV file.

View functions

The methods view_form and view_submission are called whenever the form HTML or submission HTML are generated, respectively. It receives the FieldValue to generate the view for as first parameter, and an option array as second. It should return an array of view variables to be used in mustache. You may override this method to modify the result, but then you should always call the parent function and use its result.


Internal requests routed to this field arrive here. Internal requests serve as communication method between the browser and PHP, to aid interactivity. Depending on the request hash (the first argument), you may return anything to the browser, like an image, JSON object, et cetera. The request paths of fields are formed like form:{form_uuid}:field:{field_name}:{custom_request_hash}, where custom_request_hash is the hash passed to Field::internalRequest().